Monday, December 28, 2009

We survived

and we still got to celebrate Christmas Eve with my mom. A bit earlier than usual, we opted for lunch instead of dinner and everyone left for home before it got dark, but we were all able to be together and that's what counted.

We had a great time opening presents, playing games, I was actually all wound up and worried about the snow storm that I didn't even have any of those 'moments' that usually accompany Christmas for know the 'look how much fun the kids are having, what wouldn't I give to have a little one of my own to share all of this with' moments. It was actually tear free which is a huge improvement for me.

Christmas Day was spent playing with my new laptop (yay for that, we didn't even have a computer at our house before, so now we do!), eating dinner with the IL's and watching movies. The storm kept us from venturing anywhere for about 3 days so we had lots of quality time. We watched several movies including The Hangover and OMG that was one of the funniest movies I have seen in a really long time, I was nearly rolling on the floor laughing...... vulgar and inappropriate? Yes, but absolutely hilarious.

That about sums up my Christmas, hope you all had a good one!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Grinch comes in a different form this year..

and they're calling him the worst snow storm of the last quarter century. Due to hit this afternoon - 18 to 20 inches of snow and 40mph winds through Friday afternoon, just in time for Christmas. Christmas with my mom will most likely be postponed because not everyone can make it. First time in 33 Christmases that I've been around that we won't be celebrating with my Mom on Christmas Eve, makes me sad. I will see if I can get some pictures up when it's all over.

I remember a few winters in a row when we had hardly any snow and I actually thought I kind of missed it.....I was very, very WRONG!!

I'm pretty sure I won't be making it into work tomorrow so this will be my last pre-Christmas post.

Wishing all of my blog friends and everyone else out there a Blessed Christmas! (I'm just happy the 24-7 Christmas music on the radio stations is soon coming to an end - I know, I'm a scrooge;)-we all got our own things to be thankful for at Christmas, that just happens to be mine).

Joy and Peace to you all!

Monday, December 21, 2009

My own 12 days of Christmas

I realize I'm a little late on this....but this is my own version of the classic Christmas tune, (of course I stole the idea from someone else, but the lyrics are all my own). I know all you IF's out there know how rough a time of year this is, I don't need to describe it because we all feel the pain, my heart goes out to you all. Warm wishes for holiday season that doesn't completely suck (thats the best I can do :)) Here goes, sing along if you like;)

On the first day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
An old and em-m-pty womb.

On the second day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
Two mis-car-iages,
And an old and emp-ty womb.

On the third day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
Three preggo friends,
Two mis-car-iages
And an old and emp-ty womb.

On the fourth day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
Four sad parents,
Three preggo friends,
Two mis-car-iages ,
And an old and emp-ty womb.

On the fifth day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
Five great big cysts,
Four sad parents,
Three preggo friends,
Two mis-car-iages
And an old and emp-ty womb.

On the sixth day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
Six years of tryin’,
Five great big cysts,
Four sad parents,
Three preggo friends,
Two mis-car-iages
And an old and emp-ty womb.

On the seventh day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
Seven spots of endo,
Six years of tryin’,
Five great big cysts,
Four sad parents,
Three preggo friends,
Two mis-car-iages
And an old and emp-ty womb.

On the eighth day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
Eight failed med cycles,
Seven spots of endo,
Six years of tryin’,
Five great big cysts,
Four sad parents,
Three preggo friends,
Two mis-car-iages
And an old and emp-ty womb.

On the ninth day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
Nine empty syringes,
Eight failed med cycles,
Seven spots of endo,
Six years of tryin’,
Five great big cysts,
Four sad parents,
Three preggo friends,
Two mis-car-iages
And an old and emp-ty womb..

On the tenth day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
Ten cycles per year,
Nine empty syringes,
Eight failed med cycles,
Seven spots of endo,
Six years of tryin’,
Five great big cysts,
Four sad parents,
Three preggo friends,
Two mis-car-iages
And an old and emp-ty womb.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
Eleven ultrasou-nds,
Ten cycles per year,
Nine empty syringes,
Eight failed med cycles,
Seven spots of endo,
Six years of tryin’,
Five great big cysts,
Four sad parents,
Three preggo friends,
Two mis-car-iages
And an old and emp-ty womb.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, infertil’ty gave to me
Twelve months of sadness,
Eleven ultrasou-nds,
Ten cycles per year,
Nine empty syringes,
Eight failed med cycles,
Seven spots of endo,
Six years of tryin’,
Five great big cysts,
Four sad parents,
Three preggo friends,
Two mis-car-iages

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Welcome Old Man Winter.....

Snow...snow...snow..... 3 inches already with 5 or more on the way, 25-35mph winds.....its going to be a fun drive home from work. Its only 9 miles, but when you're driving in nearly white out conditions and you're not quite sure what is road and what is ditch its a L O N G 9 miles. Its days like these I wonder why I picked fuel economy over a less efficient 4wd when I bought my car.....*sigh*.