Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another blow to the head...

A little back history, my dad died when I was 22 and my mom remarried about 9 years ago, she married a great guy, his children however are a little different, particularly his only son 'D', he's spent his whole life in trouble and distress, prison, bankruptcy, drugs, divorces, pothead and psycho wives, suicide attempts, you name it, he's been there, so anyway he has two girls with his first wife, who has spent most of their life either strung out or in jail for drugs, the oldest is about 15.....he takes care of them when he can, right now he is still recovering from his suicide attempt wherein he took a 22 rifle and put it under his chin and pulled the trigger in the driveway of his ex-wife's home, luckily the bullet ricocheted of the roof of his mouth and did alot of damage, but did not kill him. So he is not working, in fact I don't think he even has a place to live.

So yesterday I'm casually talking to my sister and she says they are starting 'D''s daughter today....I said WHAT? What do you mean starting her? And my sister says - oh she's pregnant.....WHOOAA....One.. nobody mentioned this to me before...Two.. she's 15 and in a hopelessly sad and desolate situation, her mother doesn't want her or the baby, so she is going to be living with her dad - WHERE? like I said I don't even know where he is living, he has NO money or job and how he's got a new baby and a 15 old daughter to support....there is someting seriously F'ed up with this wonder no one wanted to tell me about it. The voice in my head is screaming louder than normal WHY??????????????? Why her and not me?

Somebody make the screaming stop.....

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