Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So Saturday night I woke up about midnight with the worst stomachache and proceeded to the bathroom to throw up several times, went back to bed, woke up feeling a bit better but still very achy and my stomach very unsettled, spent all day on the couch Sunday.....my husband was totally convinced I'm pg...dumb boys...I would've only been 5 or 6 dpo on Sunday, not way morning sickness kicks in that fast, but of course he had to put the idea in my head....well the achiness has subsided but my stomach is still upset, everytime I eat something I feel icky and end up burping up the taste of whatever I ate for hours (TMI I know).....I KNOW its impossible, why does the body have to be so tricky? My husband wanted me to pee on a stick immediately (he even used the words POAS) I don't know where he got that from, I have NEVER used that terminology with him...but I refuse, I have some serious partying planned for the weekend, its the annual winter games celebration in a town near me which involves getting up at 7 am to play softball on the snow and also begin drinking at 7a.m., just to satisfy myself that I am not harming anyone but myself I will test Friday morning, but not until then....I know better.

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